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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thoughtful Threads Thursday

Aloha, beautiful souls!  Today, we’re vibing with one of my latest obsessions: soliloquy. 😍 I mean, seriously, is that not the most gorgeous word ever? She’s giving major awesome vibes, right?

Real talk though.. I am a true bibliophile/ logophile in thee house. 🏠 check my bio 😁
Now, just because I LOVE words doesn’t mean I know the meaning of them all right off the bat. I had no idea what soliloquy meant at first - let alone how to say it (shoutout to Google for assisting me). So, for those of us always expanding the vocabulary vault, a soliloquy is when a character in a play speaks their inner thoughts out loud, basically vibing it out with themselves while the audience listens in. It’s kinda like my Enchanting Babble monologues—all of my freestyle classics, deep sea dives, poetic ramblings &  pure flow channeling. Honestly, half thee time I’m just as surprised as you when I read back what I’ve written. That’s that automatic writing life. It’s divine. I’ve been intrigued by this phenomenon all my life. scribe vibes are strong in my lives. 

Anyhoo, in today’s video, we’re diving into Shakespeare’s legendary “To be or not to be” soliloquy from Hamlet. That inner conflict where we ask, “Do I stay in the comfort zone or take that bold, scary action?” Even though this play has been around for centuries, this question still hits deep with what we face today.

Let this video activate within you the boldness and confidence to Be all that you are meant to be—and to do so with total confidence! And just a reminder: you don’t always need to “humble” yourself or play the “bigger person.” Sometimes, that mindset keeps you from growing. Take thee leap, step into your expansion & let the revolution start with you. 💫

That’s it for now 😊🤍😊🤍
what is a word or phrase that’s been living rent free in your mind lately? Drop it below or just reflect in your own space & place. And be sure to catch the full video for more of this soliloquy deep dive! 

Next time 
Arrivederci my loves 🤍

#ThoughtThreadsThursday #HelpMeNameThisSegment #SoliloquyVibes #MakeItUpAsWeMoveForward #theWriterInMeSpeaks #EnchantingBabble ##ShakespeareWisdom #GrowthJourney #GoodVibesOnly


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In the Blink of a Star : Reflections on Life's Flash


As I sit here outside, nature’s whispers fill me with spirit’s infinite flow. Words cascade from within, rising naturally high as this landscape ignites my creativity, I am soaring high. Up here in thee hills, rooted too while looking sleek on this mountain top view, I’m climbing every peak, sips from the fountain of divine. God has spoken. Time to rise and shine. Thee beauty of the sun reminds me I am but a drop in this universal ocean of perceived reality, a particle in thee great play of life. A drip of the drop in thee ocean & yet ocean I become. We must learn our parts, speak from our hearts especially after they’ve been shattered, broken, torn apart. How many times we’ve been Separated from ourselves, living in hell & yell but muffle out our screams for TRuTH. Yet here we are, through and through  - sanctioned, because why tf else would we exist if we were not? These knots of thought provocations  unravel, blasting me awake every day as i rise, commanding my path. She speaks. Play that sentence back and truly inner-stand what I’m sharing here. Poetic like a deer, I move with grace & ease, rejoicing in the sweetness of life’s plenty she is a beauty & I am choosing to see love in every moment while visiting this planet. Even when it hurts. Especially when it hurts I would rather burst with evolution creating quantum revolutions. As this breeze rustles through the trees, in my hair, these feelings are there - fueling my desire as I receive  with the universe divine. Every drop I bleed plants a quantum cosmic seed, germinating enlightenment. I see. 

cultivating my spirit, wild she is free like my naturally curly ringlets of Saturn & Jupiter delight .. there is no need to tame what flows naturally. This evolution I’ve earned—just as we all have, wherever here we stand. You, too, are a guiding star. Let my self-expression not impede your sight, for thee splendidness within you shines just as bright. Together, we rejoice in this knowing, growing our confidence and guiding our weather with pleasure. We are treasures. 

Nature rustling around me calms my soul as I take flight, writing whole these words that feel oh so right. To love feels right. I write with love its a channel that penetrates my being as I allow the energy of language to find its way to express itself. Another freestyle babble, shaking loose, knowing it’s up to you, me, thee conscious we, steering our vessels with intention & purpose. You do have a purpose, don’t you? You are a treasure trove darling, living, breathing. Actually you are a shooting star. That’s how fast life passes, as swift as thee star we see streaking across thee night sky. We make a wish upon that fleeting light, but in that moment, the star’s entire lifespan has flashed before our eyes, fading into the nothing we can no longer see. But Isn’t that something - because that star sure was ! This imagery of a shooting star reminds us that life, too, flashes by, yet it feels like a lifetime. And though we say life is short, it’s the longest thing we’ll ever have to do.

Let us journey through this truth, embracing the abundance life offers when we allow it to sing to us. The bounty is here, all around, if we only see it. And so, I dance in this abundance, knowing that life is a fleeting and glorious gift. Shooting stars, where do you go when your show is over? What do you become in the vastness of the universe? If you were something out of nothing is that part of your becoming ? 

These freestyle monologues are crafted to capture the raw, unfiltered thoughts that flow through me as I reflect on the video compilations I share. For this one, the process was a bit different—I wrote the freestyle monologue first, while soaking up the energy of nature and then created the video compilation, which isn’t directly connected to the writing. But that’s the beauty of my creative process—there are no rules. It’s fluid, evolutionary and it’s how I glow.

Every piece of writing I share is meant to spark introspection in you, thee reader. My hope is that these expressions encourage you to reflect on your own journey of revolution and evolution. May my words inspire and motivate you to express yourself fully, in ways that ignite your spirit and deepen your connection to all that you are—and all that you are creating for yourself—no matter how this world may challenge or test you.

Thank you for being a part of my Enchanting Babble blog. Be sure to check out the archives, where over 1,000 blog portals are waiting for you to explore. Feel free to dive into any entry, trusting your intuition to guide you to the message meant for you.

Wisdom Flow Wednesdays - The Power of Letting Go


Welcome to Wisdom Flow Wednesday & today I share a story about something close to my heart 🤍🤍🤍 thee enchanted golden birdcage. 🕊✨

It’s a reflection on thee beauty of letting go, a lesson many of us often find difficult / challenging. How often do we try to hold on to people, places, things & memories that are meant to fly free? This story reminds me that releasing doesn’t mean losing (((even if it feels like that at times)))) but on a whole other level it means making space / room for growth and quantum transformation. 

If you have ever found yourself clinging to something / someone / thoughts that no longer serve you, this story might speak to you. Take a moment to reflect with me on thee power of TRUSTING thee evolutionary process and allowing change to unfold naturally.

Let’s open ourselves to NEW beginnings and trust that what’s meant for us will always find its way.

💭 What have you had to let go of lately to make room for in your next chapter? 

Share in thee comments or reflect quietly with me today. But let’s do this, together! 

Watch thee full video and let’s continue evolving whole & in support of one another.

#WisdomWednesday #LettingGo #TransformationJourney #TrustTheProcess #GrowthMindset #EnchantedReflections #EvolvingTogether

Angel Number 356: A Whisper from the Divine

As we wander through life’s ever-changing paths, sometimes we receive a nudge, a little sign from the universe that guides us, comforts us & reminds us that we are NOT alone. Angel Number 356 is one such whisper it is a celestial reminder that we’re exactly where we need to be and even though things may feel uncertain, everything is aligning divinely in our favor.

Thee number 356 carries the energy of three powerful vibrations: the joyous creativity of number 3, the freedom and adventure of number 5 and thee nurturing, family-focused nature of number 6. Together, they form a message that speaks of transformation, abundance & TRUST. Imagine it like a gentle breeze that carries with it new opportunities, financial relief & the sense of knowing deep in our hearts that all our needs are being met.

In the ebb and flow of life, Angel Number 356 comes to remind us that POSITIVE changes are ahead. These changes might touch our career, our home, or even our closest relationships. Thee angels are telling us to TRUST thee process. It’s like planting a seed… you may not see the flower right away, but trust that it’s growing, even in thee unseen.

Personally, I have felt the weight of doubt on my shoulders when it comes to navigating life’s transitions especially those big decisions that make us question everything. But Angel Number 356 encourages us to breathe. Thee angels are watching over us, guiding us & orchestrating things behind the scenes. We are  NOT alone in this journey.

As we navigate these changes, we are encouraged to ask ourselves, What do I need to release to ALLOW this transformation? Holding on to old habits, thoughts, or even people that no longer serve us can block thee blissings that are trying to find their way into our lives. The energy of number 5 urges us to embrace the FREEDOM that comes with letting go.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” This is the essence of Angel Number 356! It is a reminder that we hold the power within us to create the CHANGE we desire & seek in order to navigate the unknown &  to TRUST that we are always supported by divine forces.

Power Affirmation Activation:

I trust the changes unfolding in my life and release what no longer serves me. I am open to receiving abundance from unexpected sources, knowing that I am fully supported in all that I do.

As we integrate the wisdom of Angel Number 356, let’s remember that life is an adventure & with every step, we’re being guided toward greater freedom, joy and fulfillment. All we need to do is trust the process, listen to the whispers of our angels and walk boldly into thee unknown, knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly for us.


Our belief systems are uniquely our own. Whether we believe in angels, God, the universe, or perhaps we don’t believe in anything at all, the science of numerology is a fascinating realm of its own. Numbers are known to carry vibrations and frequencies that hold meaning in the world around us. Take from it what resonates with you. As a writer, I love channeling these waves of the divine in creative and unique ways, allowing room for open interpretation and personal connection. Let this be a space of exploration, where curiosity and introspection lead the way.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Transformational Tuesday - Healing Together: How Our Psychological Wounds Shape Our Connections


Welcome to Transformational Tuesday 🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍

“You meet people on the same level of psychological wound as you. You also leave people where you evolve out of that, and they haven’t been able to.”

There’s never been a truer statement. It’s important to remember that we don’t always grow at thee same pace as those whom we love & that’s okay. Evolution is personal and sacred. Never take someone else’s path personally & please  never feel guilty for growing out of spaces, places or relationships that no longer serve your most highest of self 🤍

We’re designed to evolve & every step forward is a testament to your strength, courage, wisdom & your commitment to becoming the best version of yourself. Be proud of your journey & honor it without feeling bad or with regret.

“The only journey is the one within.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Power Affirmation Activation: I honor my growth, knowing that every step forward leads me closer to my highest self. I release guilt, embrace change & trust thee process of my personal evolution. 🤍🤍🤍

With Love & Purpose
Enchantress Thee Babbler 

#TransformationalTuesday #PersonalGrowth #EvolveAndGrow #InnerJourney #SpiritualGrowth #PsychologicalHealing #SelfEvolution #HealingJourney #EmbraceChange #GrowthMindset #ElevateYourself #SoulWisdom #SelfEmpowerment #MindfulLiving #SpiritualAwakening #HigherSelf #LettingGo #TrustTheProcess #PositiveAffirmations #SelfReflection #EmotionalHealing

Monday, October 14, 2024

Conundrums in Motion Poem

Maybe I am that vain,
maybe I’ve been robbed insane.
Perhaps it really is that way,
and maybe, just maybe, I expect too much.
This human experience—
it can make life,
make thee soul rough.

Here I am,
feeling everything so vividly,
and yet some days fly faster than others.
Before you even realize it,
you’re leaping forward…
years have passed.
Down thee tunnel of time,
oh my… where have you flown?
To each their own,
Is there a rewind button somewhere?
t h e s e B e a t s H i t D e e p,
but honesty must be thee best policy,
for if it’s not,
then rot will surely be thee stench
of every seed sown from one’s own deception.

It’s interesting, isn’t it?
A rough analysis of this channeling paralysis—
the way I zone out and just type,
listening to the silent echoes of words yet to be spoken,
shining on me like
Bright Lights.
I write them down
as they flow out,
Vibrations sing,
just as thee trees blow aggressively outside
in the soft, fall rain.

There’s something exquisite in it all, don’t you think?
This folklore of nature and human essence,
both patiently waiting for more.

What is m o r e?

As I stand here,
pondering my entire existence without resistance,
I can’t help but wonder—
what have I become
if not undone?


Enchantress Thee Babbler 
#soulWriterSpeaksFree #deepestSeaS
#FreestylePoetry #PoetryOfLife #SoulReflections #ExistentialThoughts #ChannelingEnergy #WordsOfWisdom #TimeAndSpace #InnerVoice #VividImagery #DeepThoughts #HumanExperience #CreativeFlow #SpiritualJourney #ConsciousWriting #MindfulExpression #PoetryCommunity #NatureAndSoul #ArtOfWords #PoetryVibes #PhilosophicalPoetry


Motivational Monday Wisdom


🤍Welcome to Motivational Monday🤍
Let’s dive right in, tap in, turn on & tune into thee divine existing within our shrine to align and alchemize our lives soul whole & bright! 🌟

“The essence of health is an inner kind of balance.”
– Dr. Andrew Weil
True health radiates from thee balance within, where our innergy fuels everything we are. When we align our innergy, it flows outward, raising our frequency and vibration, exuding vitality into all we do. It’s this alignment that transforms our energy into a harmonious dance of well-being.

“Life will give you what you ask of her, if only you ask long enough and plainly enough.”
– Edith Nesbit
What you seek, when asking with clarity and unwavering intention, will eventually find its way to you. Keep asking, keep trusting, for thee universe hears every vibration of your heart. 

“Nobody… can experience our lives for us.”
– Charlotte Joko Beck
Our journey is ours alone to walk. No one can feel what we feel, breathe our breaths, or write our story. And yet, it is in this beautiful sovereignty that we are gifted the freedom to shape and craft our own path. 

Now, let’s talk about the quote that stirred a little fire within me! 

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
– Carl Bard
While I resonate with thee spirit of new beginnings, I challenge this notion of time being linear. We are infinite beings, woven into an eternal dance of transformation. There are no true “endings” or “starts” — only continuous moments of rebirth. Every breath, every thought, every intention, is an opportunity to evolve and rise anew. 

So here’s what this all enchantingly means:
Your health is a reflection of your inner balance, where innergy flows out and creates your reality. 
Your dreams will manifest when you ask with clarity and patience. 
Your journey is uniquely and completely yours. 
And remember… there is no need to go back, for you are infinite. There is no end, only thee beauty of the ever-unfolding infinite now. Trust in the magic of YOUR own becoming. 🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍

#MotivationalMonday #AlchemyOfLife #DivineBalance  #StartNow #OwnYourPath #EnchantingBabble

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Under the Hunter's Moon : An Enchanting Freestyle Astro Babble

 October 17, 2024, Full Moon in Aries.  Let's talk about it  Here we are, loves—under thee Full Moon’s light, with the fiery energy of A...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.