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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Tantric Healing 44

Let’s get ready to Babble ....

Can’t say I didn’t warn ya :) 

Yoga is a very necessary component to divine Lovers and their lifestyles. 
Believe that all of this will happen naturally 😍as these two lovers explore and discover so much more 
Divine lovers learn from
One another eagerly and excitedly 
Their Souls relax into one another 
Do You see ?  If you don’t see .. believe you will be touched with some feels 
  evolution is their  inheritance of experience awakening others to these levels of new comfort felt with each other 
this here is a channeled 
Express itself 
Revolutionary is their love 
 divine Lovers making a pact to make an effort this time around 
and wow this is superbly profound 
supportive to their togetherness and union 
Love in every degree taking shape while creating its form 

When divine lovers meet there is an instant recognition that is felt and intuitively
Received ... 
acknowledgement of this connection plays pivotal role into granting full access 
To the keys 
designers of
These keys they muse to be used 
 Blocks to  every lock 

passions ignite 
Sheer delight 

No Need to ever clarify these highs 
While enjoying the ride 
Feeling divine  

Genuine feelings authentically
Evolution is care 
Lovers take it there 

Did you know Divine lovers feel for one another instantly upon meeting ?

Even when neither acknowledges the other 
To the other 
There is no other 
like your divine mate 

Until you meet
Your one 
“There is no other for me ” is subject to debate 
cause not everyone will  relate 
Cosmos date 

Learning early on  there are no words able to begin nor describe  the connection shared between these two divine 
Heaven and hell 
these divine lovers 
live to tell 
of their love 

Knowing fully Feelings do not operate in logical ways so don’t ever expect anything to make sense ; only resonance. 

If it resonates : its up to you to discover how it resonates with you : and why : and does this resonance even stem from this current life being consciously experienced ? 

Feeling and knowing is all about growth and development 
This leveling of consciousness living and partnering  is an entire different element of vibrational experience. 

There will be some whom
Would read all of this and attempt to pick it all apart to discover how to rip it all out from its seams .. naughty beings .. unable to still see .. let them
Be .. set those nuts free and know their attempts have been foreseen 
Weapons assimilated 
yes .. weapons understood for innerstand for overstand 
They still will not comprehend 
Their own dismantling 
an eco friendly version of handling with constant use of babbling 

Divine Lovers are being fully supported and encouraged
To grow knowing they are protected and safe to love openly and freely 
Those judging the divine Lovers will have their time to align 
Maybe next lifetime 
We are super seed soakers whom can hope for world peace to be found inside the mad humans of this world 

Blame it on conditioning .. but did you know divine lovers play a significant role in our humanities energetic fields that influence our ways of life that favor blueprints outdated and dictated that definitely should never have Been applied .. but that’s an opinion I will not dive further into now ..

Blueprints designed and conditioned to us over the generational time lines of our lives have created our now times and dominating  views. Vintage laws and establishments are predecessors to every known establishment and law up to date. Humans have created this reality of civilization  to exist and be known 

In our blueprint story someone came up with the story of our divine Lovers whom over time became real 
That’s the deal 
Belief has 
Over time 

Do you see the role of conditioning in your life and how it has contributed to your world and how you think you choose to design and create it for yourself ? 

Anyhoo  that is neither here nor there 

Divine lovers resurrection from some previous time line 
Rise  of the Phoenix  
Divine lovers arrive with style following the compass of their heart (or conditioning)

Views are subject to evolve 
So please individually on your own accord 
Solidify your align within your shrine 
And know that  as much as you want something to be a certain kind of way — 
never get too caught up in the trap  by thinking that what you want is all  there is because that is not true .. 

Truth is knowing and understanding there’s always more 

Either way 
Divine lovers Carry every
Ounce of potential 
to share in something magical and not common and yet so counterproductive and practical it’s A joint effort that is effortless  in essence and not usually sought after in society. 

Most chase superficial things that require no depth to exist but still  become popular and in high demand ... This kind of energy is usually the general public and most popular one  dictating its influence and command all around ..

Those not privy to this energetic influence influencing do not do anything different in their day because they operate on not knowing levels and therefore do not nothing but be influenced subliminally and do not even know if their life is influenced by these invisible influencers ... 

That’s neither here nor there and if you’re still reading this post 
Do you know that 
I love you ? 
I really do ..
I appreciate you .. 
You’re like super awesome .. 
thank you for your support by reading my writing 
I personally know how dizzy my channeled
Babbling in writing  can make one feel like while participating in reading 
So to know that you travel thru to its entirety it’s like 
You’re special ..
Thank you 

Now back to divine Lovers Babbles 

What is happening now 
With the divine lovers in Union or close to union or working separately and yet energetically in Union ..???

There is a transit taking place that is further aligning divine Masculine and divine feminine in their current space and place 

It is time for 
Divine lovers to energetically take a stand 
selenited in their stance 
Divine lovers unite 
First in themselves and then willingly to each other 

Intuitive will always be their trustee dial up in connection 
constant travel is on their horizons 

 centered in their om 
These two in their   
Alchemical Romance  
Divine lovers dance 

Divine lovers have learned  on their own how to feel whole within themselves. Even if they didn’t fully experience the wholeness .. they have long well been on their way to experience this level of existence. Divine lovers have found healthier ways to manage their mind, body, heart and soul systems .. and they grow this harmony together.  

Intricately these 
Lovers rainbow bridge  
Their alchemy that is divinely protected 

Becoming infused, entangled and intertwined  
 These lovers elevate all senses of time 
Emperor and Empress align  
Sacred marriage   
Life partners whom choose to share life
With their 
Best friend  

Evolving Legends 

Divine lovers Mastery 
of Majestic things 
The art of lovers growing in their 
evolving their knowing 
supportive to one another 
in every quantumly aligned abundance fueled way 
raising each others frequencies and vibrations they know no other way 
exalting their love 
They rise dignified 
shining bright 
Believe that right  
Divine tantric flavors 
they’re savoring 
every dealing of feeling they share with tantric loving care 
cosmically there is  justice for these
Divine lovers groom into their bloom 
Alchemy fuels Magicians 
to Empress their Emperor 
and channel Thru High Priestess accuracy   Quantum & inspiring

Be the change you desire to see in this world 

We all can learn something new everyday 
 Divine lovers harmonize beautifully and peacefully.  Divine Lovers are easily identifiable amongst other couples in a crowd. 
Magnetic is their attraction & all others do take note to watch and see. 
Love reigns supreme 

Hey you ...
Have You ever really felt your smile on your face while smiling at another person ? 

Like have you ever smiled in LOVE and absolutely mean it ?

Time for your 
To Recall ...
Recall a time or times 
Travel into your akashic records and memory  and recall  all of your genuine heart felt
Smiles feeling in love that you have shared with another   ?? 

How many do you have in this life ? 
Was it shared with another person ? 
Was it a child ? A baby ? 
Senior ? Lover ? Parent ? 
When I say heartfelt
.. I mean ..

Heart felt

Like total in love and feeling pretty good about it all ..

Surrendering  to loves call 

Being present in our now is very important. 

It’s not all roses for these Divine lovers. 
upon meeting they easily get triggered into visiting their past which triggers their worry about the future and at first almost causes them to  repeat the pattern of not being present and act out their conditioned behavior patterns. This happens so it can be recognized and transmuted. 

Divine Lovers are our infinite sparks of new Age evolutionary seeds of unified creation creating and germinating our lands on a quantum dope
Level ..
Even when these
Two are not together 
they work 
Doing all of this individually
divine lovers
Know what’s
and motivated is their power house 
They come from a tough once upon a time
Then they met 
And their union 
Had to grow 
It didn’t happen right away 
Although some would romanticize their novel romance and say upon meeting their romance launched ..
That would be a 
Nope to the nopers  ..
Only dopers believe such blasphemies 

Divine lovers had to meet and deal with many new and old triggers and plenty of resistance too 
Inner conflict and dialogue 
Purging and shredding many things that do not belong 

.. annoying this tango may feel for many divine lovers  .. especially when all that is desired is union —- yet it’s all done in good sport  and everything happens as a team in divine right timing which is  worth every fabric stitch being intricately sewn. 

Patience is always needed on this planet 

.. teamwork is their dream work of worth 
soul Much growth and peace these two experience together 

Teamwork has never looked so good as it does on our beautiful divine lovers 
these two meet and universal worlds change .. 
planets evolve and transform 
It all happens so naturally. 
Oh so naturally 
Divine lovers share this infinity to one another that feels natural and their willingness to cooperate together  for the greater good of all is amazing and their friendship is divine and time spent together is epic and revolutionary evolutionary  ...
So much can be shared in regards to these two 

Divine Lovers are evolutionary gems fully charged 
and the best of friends 

Divine Lovers
 in this conditioned realm of existence
This is only one tiny microscopic view of perception of existence existing 
There are many worlds of existence existing with or without our knowledge or consent 

 Either way Divine lovers contribute to the collective raising  and healing of  collective energetic fields all across our shared multidimensional planes of existence that travel our lands 
Our energetic fields attach themselves to external stimulus if we are not mindfulness in our world of influencers 

Many energies we all share With one another while
Visiting these 3D lands 
Best to know what we surround ourselves with 

We all are powerful manifestaRs and creators here  and it’s time
We all got hip and savvy to the plenty responsible things we
Consciously desire to create for ourselves in our own world 
Living makes a great T-shirt
But how many are
Doing the actual work 

Well let me tell you 
Divine lovers
Do the work 
They have been doing it for like forever 
Even when they think they didn’t 
Or they weren’t 
They wake up constantly to their own expansive spirited natures 

Divine lovers ripple this  
Shift Quantumly and drastically and it is spread through out 
and that’s an uncontrolled Dynamic substance being spread 
Disrupting many karmic cycles inspiring cycles of change 
Transformation thru transmutation 
Whom better to Power  couple us thru too 
Divine Lovers are wonderful
To resonate
so you can create
Your own dynamic 
wisdom in your truth 
Through your own experiences and infinite life studies 
We all teacher/ student duo
simultaneously and individually we contrive collectively to our whole ..
Let us imagine abstract 

 We are the first
Living computers 
(Dna) storing and sharing info 
Computing our computes and storing in our outer nets /  akashic living playing field many files of information that is energy that once created is born into existence.

Each of us Individually  contributes to something 

Stop acting like you don’t matter 
Oh yes you do 
and it’s bigger than you ever thought or imagined 

But that’s neither here nor there 
We are everywhere 

divine Lovers 
Create this alchemy 

(This happens no matter WhAt )) 

Astrological elements 
contributing their part by fulfilling their planetary role which contributes to keeping harmonic tones 
which is goals 
DIVINE Openings 
Existing all around 
Shifting things 
And knowing that there is magic in consciousness and willingness to participate in ones own blueprint and navigation system 

Alchemy has never tasted
Soul sweet 
and divine Lovers when they meet 
Unable to resist the heat and steam and erotic pleasures they share and experience together That infinitely continues to grow 
divine Lovers tease
and please 
Every one of their lovers senses 
tantric living is a way of life 
Divine Lovers alchemist in their own right 
with something 
they once upon a wished upon a star for 
somewhere they tucked away in their deepest of wells within their heart having someone to love and share life with in this unique rhythm that only these divine lovers simply get .. 
They get each other .. even when they don’t 
they do 
Finding a life partner and still live free 
unconventional spirits 
discovering what love means to each of them and how  They desire to share it with one another 

Out with the old
In with the new 
way of operating 
And lovingly with someone else 
whom absolutely adores you 
Whom cherishes you 
and accepts you in every single way 
Divine Lovers 
appreciate and with absolute gratitude 
know the worth of this divine lover 

What are soulmates ? 
I don’t like labels but it’s here and this label opens Pandora’s box some more .. dive in and feel free to explore ..

Discovery your own channels some more ..

The person on your mind at this time

When you first met .. how did you feel ? What did you impulsively and immediately do ? What did you instinctively say ? What was the chemistry between you two ? How did you feel inside ? Was there some level of inexplainable giddy ? Did you get scared ? Did you feel naked ? Were you triggered ? Intrigued ? Did you run ... away ? How did this encounter ripple effect the rest of your life / world .. existing just fine or maybe it was never fine.. previous life .. before the two of you met ??..?  

What else would you expect from divine Lovers ? 

Cosmic lovers know what they have when they have it and after experiencing a lifelong trend of dealings with others whom just were not it .. couldn’t quite put their finger on it - but something about any previous other never quite fit.

You know that feeling when looking at another and saying to yourself ... is this really it ? Are you really my forever and a day ? Intuitive answers .. always screaming .. no frkn way .. no matter how opposite the human parts of ourselves acted in complete accordance to some other unwritten law of having to experience such experiences ... souls experiencing human experiences and inciting war of the roses while reciting Shakespeare ... dooming all lovers from Their never happily ever after ... a realm of std walking sticks sticking it in anything that appeared to be living organisms fornicating simply to bust nuts .. combust .. the feeling many associate with pleasure. 

Empty pleasures souls experience on these lands ..

Shells of their entire existence putting up a front ...

The picture and all of the divine lover hype 
It will service you right 
There are sacred divine lovers out there 
Meeting one another 
 greeting one another 
And feeling one another in evolutionary ways 

Even when these lovers resist 
They intuitively know by how they  feel  

When divine lovers meet they instantly are drawn magnetically to each other. ..they got that extra something ... and it is wanted by the other in every single way till they cave into one another’s embrace 

When divine lovers Finally meet and sync up in this realm ...
New levels of
Friendship is born 
and everything once perceived to be reality and truth in regards to their own  emotional realms and condition of their healing heart ... all becomes heightened and brought to full
& Awareness 
Allies are born 

Welcome to your Awakened State of Cosmic DnA recalibrating itself within your entire mind - body - heart and soul system 
Your foundation and structure 
in ways 
Never before 
Or experienced 
Loves waves pleasurably found 
creating sound waves to travel across spans of time 

 divine Lovers 
reign and evolve 
lovers proud 
never to be the same as they were 
Once upon a 
When all their troubles seemed
So far away 
Divine lovers create 
Inside of a vessel they were once 
Wishing to flee 

Soul tribes meet 
in their align and meet thru radiating vibes travelers thru time 
no logic Will exist 
In explanation of this 

Anyhoo I didn’t mean to go Babble away
divine Lovers excite me
is all I have to say 

Divine lovers Behave  harmoniously in accordance to one anothers bio rhythms and beats 

Divine Lovers 
each other 
As divine lovers 
And flow
Into Loving support 
Labeling systems free 
allowing souls to simply be 
presentations of their own energetic signature 
engaging in flow 
Yoga happens naturally:  is all I have to say 
in every kind of way 
tantric flavors 
Divine Lovers 

I use to coco block myself by limiting writings I would share publicly due to my channeling styles that are free 
This allowance of free write has taken  flight and I can happily report to you all that I actively  allow for these kind of cosmic orchestrations created to be freely shared without any care  
My vessel free to speak 
no censoring 
once upon a time ago 
I would
Write many things 
and not share any of it 
and then tower like effects would take place 
and on some later date of
Sauté of time 
I would somehow lose the writing altogether 
and I would beat
Myself up 
Over it 
Cause had I shared it 
It would still exist 
Beat up dial up 
I would internally and silently 
torture myself with 
Do you see how unhealthy these sword like behaviors (mental conflict depicted in tarot using the sword cards .. swords being an external stele that is used to defend / fight / protect / guard
.. whatever it’s used for ... but in regards to mental conflict ... swords are like tiresome thoughts and fears and worries ... those kind of things feel like swords too .. especially when one finds it difficult to put swords away )) 

Save that topic for another day 

Divine Lovers onstage 

Divine Lovers are alchemy 
and vibrate in sync 
Many trials and other relationships took place before this union  
It took a long time 
To get to this unite  
Upon meeting they 
became activated 
and naturally flowed into whatever flow was working  for them 
agreeable souls 
Relinquishing control  
Vulnerability on the grow  
Worthy of every praise these Divine Lovers absolutely energize this engagement  
Perfect in every way 
Unmistakable is their gaze 

Love for each other exudes from their pores 
breathless and so much more 
even when far apart 
They carry each others hearts 
Getting to this unified point of Union 
Happen over night 
it took a lot 
Of travels to reach this still
Evolving destination 

Momentary distraction ..
It’s how I’m receiving this message .. writing this as my dogs annoy me by licking me and coming to my face as I attempt to type this message on my phone 
Enchantress The Babbler is I on this evolutionary high of our rise 
Animal kingdom time 

Anyways .. did you hear??
Divine lovers whole in themselves have found healthier ways to manage their mind, body, heart and soul systems 

Divine lovers shine their knowledge thru their example while protected in every single way   

Lovers rainbow bridge  
Their infusions connecting 
Divinely with their chosen counterparts 
Life partners 
Evolving legends 

Divine lovers are Masters 
of creating Majestic things 
The art of lovers growing in their 
evolving into their knowing 
supportive to one another 
Divine lovers forming  
Tantric Healing 
Pleasurable adventures 
and it feels good  

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.