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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Uncut: How do you pray ?

Here I am having this most intense soul transformational download / if that's what we are going to be calling it ~ let's also add into this latest upload / download / overload of just so many epiphanies / understanding / connecting / memory connect / let's take a walk down memory lane / which lane I zig Zag on is how this ride has been galloping along as I in complete AWARENESS & RECOGNITION of all the internal PHENOMENAL things that are actually taking place in this magical well that lives deep inside of me / in me / thru me / next to me / all around me / this "Wonderland" well of Adventure and complete infinite discoveries that is uncovering all of me like a game
Of charades ... How colorfully Eye sees ... Within this well of me .. Having me freestyle this classic of an explanation of this cosmic duration of this moment of time etched in space - inside of this place - that a piece of me unravels - (((souls I swear to God ~~ who is God ?? I swear God is the sun / The moon / The Stars / all wise and well aware / as we all look up to the sky .. And see the magic / awe and wonder .. As simple as it can be .. Light creating Life / Duality .. Now what does this mean ?? It's like night and day .. Free this freestyle wave ..
Our souls crave ..
Truth ...
We can't handle the truth ..
The sun / the Moon / The Skies .. For our animal kingdom buddies don't lie .. Even they too look to the sky ..
Are you still wondering why??
Well this chick right here ..
she spits BonKers .
Arts Infusion to Solve age old riddles of every fiddles ..
just let her flow and sit and write ..
Take a bite of this apple
Seed & crisp away as resonance & absolute soul recognition begins kicking back in ...
Watch her prowl, hear her growl, kitty is meow.  
I came here a moment ago because my wonderMint of the moment was wondering..
well now that thought has for this moment gone for a stroll because I babble long I tend to not finish many things I say till a later date .. At times that takes time ..
Hahaha coming soon is a theme song I should definitely write one for me ..
But you see Enchanting Babble serves purposeful beats ..
The wonderMint being me realizing that whenever I have prayed I have never clasped my hands in prayer but growing up where we are prompted and guided by our churches to do so - those were just if I even did it .. Not anything actually for me .. Disconnect city .. 
Yet !! I pray !! Eye pray !! All of me prays ..
But why not this traditional / conditioned and drilled into us folk way ..
Perhaps many should question their own constitutions for their own prayer heartfelt solutions ..
What feels most right to you when you connect with your source / God / Creator / SELF ?? 
What does your body say ? 
What alignment is your practice in ?? Is it one that follows its upbringing and societal conditionings? 
Tsk tsk 
Wakey bakey ..
"time to smell the doughnuts"
Awareness / Infusion 
We are our own wonderful solutions ..
Take your plunge / your dive /

Crawl inside the hive of your own mind / body / heart and soul / your essence is your WHOLE!!!!

Truth be told ..
I am welcoming all these unleashed SENSATIONS ..

I had a major past life recall that had me of course hysterically in tears at the profound resonance and impact of a slap back into some major soul artifacts that connect with me this very day ...
What can I say .. This shit is in my cosmic DNA .. 
Even while I was crying hysterically after the entire moment while I was taking a shower / something else was happening / HEALING .. A major HEALING in that department of my heart .. Even as I clenched my hands into my heart as i cried, and oh boii cry I sure did ..
I literally saw all this LIGHT & SPARKLES all around me and this mist that was opaque and translucent all at once that felt omg comforting. Idk all I'm saying is that these last couple of years / well all my life / but these last 5 years or so in the awakening of my own REAL AWARENESS of many many many things ... It has truly been quite the TRANSFORMATIVE most UPLIFTING journey and experience even through all the bullshit in between. Through my biggest storms in this life I have been experiencing a major spiritual / self / essence as a whole major CHANGE / TRANFORMATION / ELEVATION / VIBRATIONAL SHIFT & soooOo much more that it EXCITES with every compartment of me that is infinite and vast. 

I only came on here to ponder and wonder prayer hands .. Trying to understand where my rebel was born in that ..  I'll enjoy taking it back as I continue to explore my own cosmic soul journey as I fulfill whatever purpose I am aligned in Purposing lol 

If you have made it down to here .. Thank you so much for journeying with me .. May you come and go as you desire, living to expire all that you inspire & upon every visit here inside of Enchanting Babble Wonderland, may you leave TRANSFORMED in some kind of most FANTASTIC POSITIVE UPLIFTING AWAKENED feeling AWESOME kinda way.  Let whatever magic that is meant to be for you at this time on your own journey be magical and everything you need 



Soul Transformer Oracles

In growing in my own awareness of self and becoming increasingly knowledgable of how much there is to this life that we do not know. I can only begin to connect and express with my own life experiences and learning. Realizing that I am a channel / conduit / vessel for many outlets of life in all of its expressions.  Even the ability to speak to myself, for myself, but not be myself, and yet remain absolutely conscious and aware of this entire "natural" process which has occurred for me since I can remember. My own awareness increasing to the duality and depth that exists within my own being that ties me to this life and all life. Connecting me to everything and anything and nothing all at once. The connections and divine understanding I do constantly receive blocked by my own karmic lessons of dissolving the invisible blocks that have been set before me, all in accordance to me and the many lives and experiences I have experienced up until this point / place in time. 

Mesmerized I am to explore further this soul explosive cosmic journey of mine and through this latest throat chakra cleansing I am happy to begin sharing with you all more and more 


#Soul #Transformers 

Fehu Rune Oracles of Awesome LUCK!

"Every beginning has within it the seeds of its own end." 

This rune of NEW BEGINNINGS & WEALTH brings with it an energy of mobility, LUCK, Charisma, dynamic power, abundance, circulation, mana and sexual attraction.  New beginnings and climbs reaching social and financial success. This rune is all about making moves and taking action so there is lots of travels on the horizon. This is a sending rune and draws gravity into your own personal sphere. Expect PROMOTION of personal and social evolution and lots of CHANGE/ TRANSFORMATION of circumstances in every which way. This is also a rune of an INCREASE in personal monetary wealth. This rune brings to the surface what is already here, a fresh NEW START! #Rune #Of #LUCK #Energize #Magnetize #Fehu #Rune #Oracles #Change #Transformation #Travels #Wealth #Abundance #Prosperity #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

For live audio check out my instagram @Enchantress 

For more about rubes visit

Strong Sun Moon Oracles

It is time to LIGHTEN up - seems to be the constant RECEIVING message of today all echoing out that it's time to have some FUN under this Magical Strong Sun Moon Card being surfaced and spread. Drop your serious attitude & RELEASE your many burdens and make room for PLAYTIME. JOY is contagious and never let life or anyone else come rob you of your right to experience this pleasant feeling. So become INSPIRED to example just like those born under the Strong Sun Moon and spread the WEALTH of LAUGHTER. You will find yourself drawn to the gifts of BEAUTY & INSPIRATION. It's all about our souls Highest of elevations. Your past may suddenly take on NEW significance. Hidden creative talents you have will surface and find a VOICE. Joys abound, so take this time to nurture your spirit with some FUN & TLC & surround yourself in the Beauty that you deserve. Prayer: Great Spirit, help me to RELEASE Life's burdens by taking hold of the beauty and joy that is ever present within my connection to you. #Namaste #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #Spirit #Animal #Oracles #Strong #Sun #Moon #Joy #Spread #It #Release #Transform #Rise  

Domino Effects of Angel # 498 Meaning


Number 498 is a combination of the attributes and energies of number 4 and number 9, and the influences of number 8. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the energies of the Archangels. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, leading life as a positive example for others, service to others, sensitivity, benevolence, altruism and lightworking. Number 8 resonates with Divine wisdom, self-confidence and authority, achievement, skills and talents, inner-wisdom, consideration, discernment and good judgement, manifesting wealth and abundance, and the concept of karma; the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 498 is a message to begin a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career, knowing that you are serving your soul purpose as a lightworker. Do meaningful work (both paid and un-paid) that makes a positive difference in the world. Your life purpose meshes with your natural talents, abilities and interests. Trust that you have enough time, intelligence, money, creativity and all other resources needed to fulfill your destiny and soul mission, and you will be fully supported by the angelic and spiritual realms.

Angel Number 498 may also indicate that a significant phase or cycle is ending in your life and this will have a domino-effect in other areas of your life. These endings will allow for new opportunities to appear in your life that will open doors to beneficial new beginnings. This is happening for reasons that will become evident soon. Do not lament their passing or ending, but rather, be open to your own passions and purpose as these are positive and productive focal points for you.

Angel Number 498 suggests that you will do well with anything that you put your heart and soul towards.

Number 498 relates to number 3 (4+9+8=21, 2+1=3) and Angel Number 3.

Tough Love

Baby, let me love you 💋💋

Sign up for your Positive Energy Business Life Plan

Now you know. POWER to WE the people & our infinite ENERGETIC source & power that is innate & readily available & righteously ours the instant we CLAIM it!! #Divine #Energy #EMPOWERMENT #God #Goddess #Awakenings #NOW #Moments #Soul #Transformers #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

Spoon Humor Medicine


Do you like this Handy Pocketbook Design?

Ok truthfully I am not too sure how I feel about this concoction of a creation. Like yea I see and dig it's purpose and see the inspiration behind its creation but Dude this one is more like, 🤐 let me zip and feel this one out a little while longer. 

What do you think ??

Do you like this fashion pocketbook, stick your hand through fashionable creation ?


Take the poll at:

Otter Fun Loving Oracle Messenger

The otter a symbol of female Primal Energy & healing. Her LOVING nature is admirable to witness in her loving DEVOTION & FAITHFULNESS.

It is all about feminine HEALING POWER being brought to the surface along with PROFOUND WISDOM & Divine Guidance.  

Otter's Message:
Swim Happily, joyfully, merrily and delightfully with life loosening your stronghold on mundane concerns.  Loosen your grip and give your hair a flip and ENJOY this cosmic ride.

SMILE, because your HAPPINESS is WORTH it!

The otter reminds us to LIGHTEN UP!

In other words, ENLIGHTENMENT up!

Some Key words:
Talkative, expressive, creative, active imagination, playfulness, friendly, charming, witty, conversationalist, sweet, faithfulness, loyalty, nurturing, compassion, love, healing, femininity, beauty, balance, enlightenment, intuition, joy, happiness

How to do a half bun hairstyle ?

I want to try this and wonder which of these two images I would most resemble 😆😆😆😆😆

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Elizabeth Taylor speaks words of Wisdom

The Only Action Filling Potential we ever happily reach, is the one we WILL ourselves to do by taking every bit of action to ACHIEVE our desired results .. Key note here is to Just do your motherBleEpin Do .. Time is of your OWN ESSENCE.. Turn your passions & Drive into your MAGICAL reality & manifesting & wonderfully aligned personal energetic  Playground ...  #Express #Yourself #ElizabethTaylor #QoTN #Do #Your #Do #Keep #yourself #Generating #Never #GiVe #Up #Live #True #For #You #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

Are you this woman on her period ?

They say once a month she gets vicious & I would agree ..
if you know what I mean 😝🤐😜💋

#Coming #Soon #To #Theatres #Near #You 

Are you a smart Pup too ?

Do you do fakeness?

Your vibe hits my antenna like woah 😆

#Keeping #Up #With #Being #Authentic #Real #As #Real #As #CaN #BE 

Goddess Empowerment

People think that they can treat you however they want..
that they can set you aside ..
play with you when they feel like getting around to it..
twiddle dee meets twiddle dumb
and those games are never any fun..
what you sow is indefinitely what you reap.
meat Moutain creek
the coldest love on blast..
water splash..
breaking bad...
Prepare for the Ice Storm...

Woman, you Deserve!!

She's open for experience and her heart loves in all its vulnerability and her desire for a true soul love connection is worth every wait and till then she's perfectly
Content on her own ...

#Know #Your #Worth 

Passionate Drive leads to Royal Court Infinite Ruling

A mother driven by love, roots the foundations for her daughter running her royal court. 

Alice Spazzes inside of Wonderland

How dare you look at me and say what made me this way ..
the world made me this way ..
it is You whom made me this way ..
and now you wanna look at me with this side way glance ..
staring in some kind of trance ..
thinking things over in your head now real bad..
but still off, you're off, now to France ..
Au revoir mon amour 
Je t'aime 
Vous allez me manquer quand je suis parti
my heart long gone, she jumped ship, departed
fleeing from a love that never was hers 
No, look what you started 
simpleton, are you retarded? 
bombarded by this make shift test of your life on observance..
you have been the root cause of loves dehydration..
love is elevation..
you Echo me bad..
What's really going down here inside of wonderland...
Commercials rad off some titanic track ..
Guilty you are is an utter fact ..
side effects of your love super whack ..
Reality fights back ..
winning can turn up dim..
Cartoon illusionist, popping these imaginating bubbles entire constitution
mind boggling confusion ..
distortion convoluted..
glamour rinsed off.. 
Please do not accept any masks or actor player substitutions...
Your love polluted ..
Chasing his tail over the reading rainbow ..
Your Art is fiscal..
over here just popping some pimples ..
stress her symbols ..
Undress the Goddess, didn't have to be modest ..
Now all thrown in the garbage ..
shoot now.. don't bother me..
and away and away she goes..
the galloping horse, free at last
letting go of this born as a Down syndrome type of love ..
Creator he is eMoTioN less and less ..
feelings flee him only to take him in rapture upon his loves demise..
foolish pridlings linger strong..
The truth I respect ..
It is Love he rejects

all images found on google images
early morning train ride freestyle spin

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


AMAZING & absolutely GRATEFUL that there are people all across the world checking out my postings of my blog. It means the absolute world to me at this impeccable fast growing rate these views are continuously growing in. THANK YOU ALL!! I have received numerous avenues of kindness, love, support and encouragement in so many different ways that it has truly been such a touching & emotionally strengthening and humbling experience. THANK YOU!! WooHoo over 1 Million Views .. That is indeed cause for CELEBRATION!! #Namaste and please make sure to check out ENCHANTING BABBLE for yourself and if it's your cup of tea click Follow and also don't miss a beat and sign up to RECEIVE your very own FREE NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION link is on bio & remember no Better way to show love than to spread love. #Spread #The #Word #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #Awakened #Here #For #You #Spiritual #LightWorker #Community #Of #Visionaries #Dreamers #Builders #Motivators #Guides #Support #Team #VisualWordArtist #Writer #Blogger #Souls #With #Infinite #Potential #1Million #Millions #Views #Viewers #Celebration 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Poetry's Commotion

#Simple #Life 

Let Actions and Vibes Rule your better Judgement

Never mind words when vibes and actions tell the truth behind every story .. Be mindful of the actors in your life. #The #Art #Of #Practicing #Mindfulness #Intuition #Is #Real #Energy #Readers #Action #Reality #Checkers #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

Do you need a relationship status reality check ?

If ever in doubt here is a little clue ..
Let his Actions speak louder than what you think he is feeling ... Do not be fooled by the dude who is never to be found ...


Fashion with Soul

Fashion we buy, style is something we create. Unleash the Wholeness within you and let your style make your mark each and every day. #Namaste #Enchanting #Gypsy #Fashionista #Fashion #With #Soul #Purpose #Make #Your #Mark #With #Style #Art #Expressions #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

Enchanting Fashion Finds ❤️

Is your Doctor Hot ?

When you look like this when two of the hottest doctors you have ever been seen by walk in ....

Yup ..

Like woah ..

Hello Doctors 😜

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Enchanting Wedding Ideas ❤️

Ooh la la 

Vintage 18K engagement rings 

Because you're worth every ounce of commitment ...

Show stoppers 

#Wedding #Bells #2016 #Mr&Mrs #Enchanting #Bliss #Say #I #Eye #Do #Spiritual #Union #Infinite #Sacred #:Souls 

How to Chop & Unblock YOur Blocks?

You can't upgrade on every level just by thinking about it in your mind and doing nothing about it by not taking Inspired action with your body, that takes the steps and actions needed that aligns you with your HEART & passionately power drives & steers your wheels of desire that inspires you from within while synching every part of you whole; mind, body, heart and soul.. We must align every filament of our whole to root and cement our Balanced foundations ...

#Heavy #Thinking #Early #Morning #Download #Soul #Data #Upgrade #Systems #Breakfast #Alignments #Chopping #Blocks #101

Friday, June 24, 2016

Hօա tօ ɮɛռċɦ քʀɛss ?

As ʟօʋɛ աaɨts օռ tɦɛ քօʀċɦ,
tɦɛ ɮɛռċɦ ɮʀɛaҡs 
aռɖ sօ sɦɛ ɢɛts ʊք 
ɮʊtt ɮʀʊɨsɛɖ ʄʀօʍ tɦɛ ɮɛռċɦ ʄʀօʍ ɨts ɖʀօք 
As ʟօʋɛ ɢɛts ʊք ʄʀօʍ tɦɛ քօʀċɦ 
aռɖ ʄɨռɖs ċօʍʄօʀt ɨռ ʟօʋɛs ɦօʍɛ 

Your Data Sucks!

I would never fit any mold you try to box me in ...
You may have your data ..
but eye hold my matter 

THANK YOU, for all the World Wide Views ❤️

#Grateful #Love #Gratitude #Positive #Attitude #Enlightenment 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Enchanting DREAMS coming TRUE Oracles

It doesn't matter how anything appears to be like on the outside, all that matters is the creational forces of your own WILL & FAITH that determine every corner of life, some may call it fate. Let's make a date. We are here to discover all the infinite and limitless possibilities and potential each and every one of us here possess. 

We are our own COSMIC CREATOR OF EVERY one of our DREAMS ..

It's time for us to join as one & 


EMBRACE the WONDERFUL gifts of life, your life and bask in the JOY & WONDER of your DREAMS COMING TRUE ..

So mote it be, and FLOW into every rhythm and beat of living the life that you DREAM, it all starts NOW!


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

My Summer Solstice / Full Moon TRANSFORMATION oracles

This weekend was a very powerful AWAKENING experience for me that I had the BLESSING of EXPERIENCING while at the same time REMAINING fully CONSCIOUS, ALERT & AWARE of all that I was FEELING & all the the things I felt happening inside of me.  This experience was one of the most intense & surreal energy shifts I have experienced and this one while it was happening did not care that I was in the company of others.  Usually many of my experiences in my own transitions, I go through the changes in the privacy of my own home, it has never happened outside of my private space & the message I received while it was all happening was to ALLOW this all to take place without any hiding or disassociation.  I was asked to REMAIN PRESENT throughout the entire process no matter what. Which for me brought to the surface an EMPATHIC AWARENESS that intensified causing me to feel outta of this world & uncomfortable having others see something happening to me that they became curious and curiouser and I became even more extremely energized with this chaotic nervous energy that could not stop me from endlessly talking.  My INNER KNOWING gifting me with CLARITY and UNDERSTANDING during the entire PROCESS with what was going on with me as a whole. 
I was truly PROCESSING it all as it was happening & communicating out loud in words expressing what I was experiencing was very difficult. I just kept saying "it's a lot"
  It was so much information that was whole and complete & engaging while electrifying every one of my cosmic cellular senses...
complete absolute AWARENESS (what felt like to me surreal jittery electric sensations) happening all at once that even in my chatter box state, I was not able to clearly communicate what was transpiring.  It sure did not stop my chatter, and believe me when I say as I was experiencing this, my human self, wanted to stop being so chatty ..
 sounding super trippy & out there..  I was picking up  & feeling not only my own anxiety, but others as well & the part of me comfortable with keeping away and many things to myself, it was a lot for me in experiencing this form of public transition... I'm sure an old outdated version of me would of internally felt humility in some way .. But I found my own way of interpreting what was happening & I humorously found my own ways to find my own comfort with feeling like i must be appearing crazy... And as this all was taking place & the more clarity that reigned, I really did not care at all others perceptions of me at the time .. After all this was my SUMMER SOLSTICE / FULL MOON Galactic And most POWERFUL Super Alignment Divine - 

I was forced to acknowledge my true "essence" "being" causing me levels of discomfort, humility and surrender, and teaching me the truth in seeing that comes when one remains PRESENT in their NOWS..

believe me from this entire experience my throat chakra is FINALLY cleared, for the she in me now OPENLY speaks...
So mote this be..

 When I say that for REAL this was one of my most trippiest of trippiest Spiritual transition vibration downloads that has happened in my life, even this expression doesn't warrant this experience Justice, because it really really is so much more ...
And the fact that this fell on a night that happened to have its own rare won't happen again in this generations lifetime,  under the influence were we ALL on this years PHENOMENAL Summer Solstice/Full moon SOUL transformation chamber that is responsible for the final unveiling of our multidimensional worlds ...

  I am going to reference/explain/describe the process that I was feeling as trippy & surreal.. Words we all can understand in some way ... 
 because it really felt like an unfiltered no holds bar massive download of EVERYTHING all at one time.. and intensifying every  FEELING  within me and amplifying my own intuitive mind, further AWAKENING my THIRD EYE SHINES and at many moments feeling like I can read the thoughts of others - I tried and tested it out too - That is the smart thing to do - especially if you BELIEVE all this to be TRUE / TRUTH - you must FREE your mind and exercise your INNATE rights of being absolutely connected to the DIVINE within you ... Allow for your own BELIEFS to  evolve overtime as you discover everything you are... And in your own AWARENWSS using your own TRUTHs from your discoveries and aligning it and establishing it into your Lifestyle Practice - 
and for those who can find their inner rhymes that shine, use your rhymes to HIGHLIGHT your life and path ... Experience your world of Awesome too...

 all of this felt like an overload of information with many feelings at the same time I was mirrored to face & digest ... It  was very overwhelming but I embraced and opened myself up to RECEIVE..
 its constant instant process of intense downloads making me feel like I was on some acid Wonderland ride of some kind of trip into the land of oz where I was becoming one with my own following the "yellow brick road" 
I swear whatever was in the air this weekend, I took that hit.. This alignment answering every wish of wholeness I truly
Desire .. 
 I even had mini fevers and these moments of my entire head and face just getting hot and sweating profusely at these random moments for no particular reason at all... (This happens to me quite often actually / in my own research of trying to understand what is happening to me / what is it that I've been experiencing all of my life .. Some reference this as a kundalini rise / that feels like menopausal / hot flashes - but this time it was happening like constantly throughout the weekend in spurts ) 
And believe me when I say, the last bodily feeling I ever wish to feel is sweat, I prefer to be cold... (freezing cold out of no where moments - I have many of those too - so stay tuned I am sure to share that news and reveal my many SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENING experiences and maybe you too have your own.. It's time to SHARE with the world- no longer will I hide behind this world and all of its lies) 
It's TIME to BURST to life ...
I'm excited to SHARE with ALL on these Enchanting Wonderland Loving pages..   
This PHENOMENAL occurrence of whatever VIBRATION frequency upgrade that was going on that took control over me (and lets not forget publicly too - like dude if I would of known, trust me I would of kept my ass home & experienced it all on my own.. but I got the message the moment it all hit my om, I was meant to REMAIN PRESENT in my PROCESS to experience what is always going on without shutting it off no matter how uncomfortable I felt and got - and being around people was the answer ..
 cause think about it - we all do that a lot - whenever something makes us feel "uncomfortable" - most people rather not deal with it - and that usually ends up with the person finding some way (their own way) to create some level and form of disassociation from that uncomfortable scenario/ experience - and before they even realize - this habit / behavior / of not wanting to deal with their own uncomfortableness - just becomes their way of life - not even processing their own internal process of how easy it is for us to avoid everything and anything that is uncomfortable - most uncomfortable feelings surface when a person refuses to face certain "EMOtions" 
Feeling uncomfortable is more of the physical act / superficial layer of was comes to the surface that is caused by a deeper rooted feeling and emotion ..- but most people stay at the surface layer of our conditioned labeling system that only requires for one to look externally for answers ..  Accepting the surface layers of things  and not even thinking to go deeper or further into their own understanding of WHY they feel uncomfortable to begin with... 

This weekend was BEAUTIFUL and since its passing, so much of me has honestly changed- inside / outside
(cause that is what it feels like)
For these are the "Days of our Lives!"

  Living to discover the ENLIGHTENMENT of my own essence/soul being by quantumly heightening and experiencing my entire essence TRANSFORM whole
 every single one of my frequencies in every single way IS still undergoing some high frequency leveling  and processing ..
kinetic effect and super phenomenally appreciated 

This occurrence truly caused a VISIBLE PHYSICAL bodily reaction to unleash within me 
 Even when I felt jittery, anxiety filled and super CHATTY (a FINAL clearing of my own THROAT CHAKRA also occurred during this major uplifting transitioning time, breaking me FREE of any block that prevented and blocked me from my FULL expression, and during this process it was made to be part of my journey of growth and understanding that part of this unleashing of my once previous block created an open flow and gateway & the energy being released had to take its own shape and form - and for me, that involved this extra excessive yapping away. 
Truthfully, I have been wholeheartedly working on the opening of my throat chakra for quite some time - and I had no idea a release of such great magnitude would be unleashed in such an uncontrolled way 
these cosmic blast most UPLIFTING / MEMORABLE it truly was a rush.. lasting for a few days (at least in that state of feeling - I wasn't sure if It would ever balance itself out lol ) I just didn't imagine that this all would begin so intensely while I was attending a family outing / in front of other people that do not fully process the whole of me - & so uncomfortably and yet surrendering enthusiastically, I flowed into my rhythms and beats.. Most HAPPY that PEACE exists within & for someone like me who is typically reserved and controlled in every form of my speech and acts, this all made me FEEL so out of whack but ALL in a most POSITIVE way -  this level of release was a gift bringing to the surface all of my blocks conditioned & now has me feeling FREE like a bird! 
Once upon a time my life was suppressed - hiding every part of my (secret) wish to express, making me but a shell of my own existence..
and WOW how things have changed..

The fact that I LISTENED to the FLOW of my soul and accepted INNER guidance to lead the way opening me in every way to RECEIVE this transitional GROWTH moment of a time, that was completely everything mine...
Has allowed
Me to fully embrace my RISE & SHINE  
with all of my soul, LOVE makes me WHOLE and in making my CHOICE to REMAIN an ACTIVE and most AWARE participant and observer of this process, I was reintroduced to the PRESENT in a most uncomfortable and awkward way for me  & the desire of fight or flight for the first time didn't take over, and by CHOICE I chose to NOT disassociate from any of my perceived feelings of discomfort and uneasiness (which is a form of line of defense many pick up in life when faced with pain, trials, stress and tribulations - we are taught to disengage and sweep under the surface everything that FEELS too uncomfortable for us to face and deal with) during this extremely difficult yet most interesting process I was also met with my own personal judgements that I have absorbed over the years and in that same instant I was also healed from those self imposed judgements that were never mine - realizing that our own experienced life pain really does do damage to us in so many ways that if not faced during those times find other ways to manifest themselves inside & outside of our worlds & they may even present themselves in the form of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes & karmic cycles of experience that root into our being causing us to energize into our lives things that definitely do NOT align with our own personal truths.  

In my practice of remaining AWARE and present during this long TRANSITIONAL episode that is still being experienced and processed right now as I write, I am FREE.. 
This all feels surreal and it is alot to take in & caused me to make PEACE with myself in all of my own awkwardness and feelings. allowing me to process and internally heal and rise while externally FACING being ALIVE & the reasons / TRUTH behind all of my own blocks & simultaneously RELEASE / HEAL me from the blockage of my own prison. 
  I am still processing all that transpired  

Yes! And about my talking extra explanation just to clarify - people whom know me well have known my chatter box ways and how I can talk and talk and talk non stop when I want to - but this experience with my chatter box ways was super different in every which way.  As I was absorbing this process and FEELING everything out on a WHOLE, I was also surrounded by my own family who FELT from me something different - I even know some even thought at first that I was on some type of drug because of how I was acting - which increased my own anxiety and heart racing from my ability to pick up their feelings and  curiosity ...  This transformation within my cells and DNA , like an instant download that was occurring on this frequency rate that felt as though I was on some type of trippy most visible by others too high. 

The process of what was occurring to me this weekend was super surreal and physically visible to others. Like whatever was occurring from within me was most definitely exuding on out ..

some physical occurrences that were happening during this TRANSITION 

1. Eyes even more so wide open then the new norm. 

2. I experienced at random times heat rising causing me to have these periodic moments of feeling extremely hot and visibly sweating

3. Jittery non stop breakthrough of uncontrollable chatter 

4. Non stop clarity/ epiphanies / understandings

5. Heart racing 

6. Feeling extremely light and bouncy almost felt like I CAN  fly 

SO Many things I intend on sharing 

Stay tuned 


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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.