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Monday, November 30, 2015

Anomaly ❤️


Never spread your SOUL thin ❤️

some people rotten will pretend till they have you blue in the face filled with all their ooze of
they wickedly serve to
You ..
Beacons of love ..
destroyers ..
Dark shadows lurk ..
cosmic assessments ..
Know the ENERGY around you !! 

The Traveler

this cold shoulder you take..
instant new character you create.. 
lingering behind ..
runners disguise ..
ultimate lie ..
of the 
travelers empty life 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Always Choose KINDNESS ❤️

Go inside yourself ❤️

How often do we believe the hype and fall prey to illusions built on a physical hoax of freedom ???

How often the very things we believe we need to be freed, is all but illusionary ??

Expand your 3rd eye blind &

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Enchanting Success ❤️

The thing that he knows,
that he feels down to his bones, 
is that I am real, 
and he knows ..
truth ..
it sinks deeper than any fabricated masquerade of this played out charade..
just calling a spade a spade ..
Some can't handle the truth ..
attempting to create more doom..
misery always loves company..
something this lifetime they unfortunately won't learn..
but they shall bear witness to how it's done .. 
shift tides undone ..
Kingdom of Heavens LOVE here on earth ..
LOVE drives out any negative wave / stage / display / LOVE ultimate REIGN ..

You can not fake what you're not ..
loves Camelot ..
enough is enough 
this is true ..

No matter our state of being ...
he feels me ..
this eye know ..
truth be told ..
Forever Amor ❤️

Life Enchantments ❤️ has as much meaning to it as we give it ..

food for thoughts 

Angel Guide # 640 ❤️

If you check out my snapchat @enchantressss you can see where this # came from. ❤️❤️❤️

Just like that, Angel Numbers offer soul guidance as we journey this earthly realm of existence ❤️


Number 640 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 4, and the vibrations of the powerful number 0.  Number 6brings its attributes of the monetary and financial aspects of life, provision and providing, love of home and family, domesticity, nurturing and caring for others, and finding solutions to problems.  Number 4 resonates with willpower and effort, traditional values, stability and ability, building solid foundations and working determinately and diligently towards achieving goals. Number 4 also resonates with the energies of the Archangels.  Number 0 is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It stands for potential and/or choice, and is to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers.  Number 0 resonates with eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with.  

Angel Number 640 is a message that your home and family life is running smoothly and all of your monetary needs are being met. You are safe, protected and supported by the spiritual realm and Universal Energies and have manifested many blessings due to your personal devotion, dependability, positive attitude and actions. You have toiled diligently and determinedly towards your goals and your just rewards are entering your life. Expect wonderful rewards for your hard work, will and effort and be grateful for your blessings. Trust that strong and clear connection with the angelic and spiritual realms will offer you constant guidance, assistance and unconditional love. There is a great deal of love around you. Enjoy and cherish your blessings.

Angel Number 640 brings a message from the angels that the hard work and effort you have put towards your endeavours will have long-term benefits for you and your loved ones, and you are encouraged to keep up the great work you have been doing. The intentions, effort and work you have been doing towards improving your life and establishing solid foundations for yourself and others has ensured a steady flow of positive energies, opportunities and abundance into your life. Keep your focus on your life goals and strive towards achieving them, knowing that success will ultimately be yours. Give any anxieties or worries to your angels, and focus your energies upon your soul urgings and pursuing your true life purpose. Know that your needs will be met due to your diligence and determination to achieve and succeed. Trust that the Universe will send you whatever you need.

Angel Number 640 encourages you to remain optimistic and positive about your financial and material issues as they are being taken care of by the angels and Universal Energies.  The negative energies of stress and anxiety repel the energies of prosperity and abundance, so the angels ask that you keep a positive frame of mind and release all worries to them.  Trust that you are supported in all ways.

Fill your life with love and light and live it with gratitude and joy.

Number 640 relates to number 1(6+4+0=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Peek a boo Moon ❤️

Peek a boo I see you ❤️

She's a beauty wishing us all a Happy Thanksgiving Every single day in every single way 🙏❤️🙏 #HappyThanksgiving #FullMoon #Howl #At #The #Moon #Wolf #Pack #Artifact #Enchanting #Raps #Moon #Crazed #Lover ❤️

Clarity Bliss ❤️

Why do I feel this way ??
eye asks me why ??
I listen to eye ..
digging deep 
Into my clarity bliss ..

Happy Thanksgiving Everyday ❤️

I am grateful for everything and everyone in my life ...
I am grateful for this divine clarity of truth that just is ...
it's my truth ..
& It is Eye who holds every key ..
so I must listen to me & choose to see 
everything that I am thankful for ...

Happy Thanksgiving 

Many blessings forever and ever ❤️

Make your TRUTH count ❤️

no truth exists Really, except for our own...

All or Nothing!

You can hide behind your shadows, or you CAN embrace your Revelation of your innate foundation of 


The moon is absolutely STUNNING tonight ...

I feel good ..
even the parts of me once sad, no longer having the same effects..
in life you have to learn to accept the things you have no control over, to accept people for who they are ~ as they are .. To wisely assess all that is happening around you & accept certain realities as they are, no matter how different you wish them to be ...

Reality is only reality for yourself ..
everyone has their own reality ..
& what is special about realities is finding the people in life that you can infuse, blend, mix together & share together in one another's realities ... 

 take part in Life episodes together ..
These special people we meet .. 

We should forever cherish & continue to estatically look forward to every memorabilia stored & captured in our profound moments in time shared together ... 

Im babbling again ..

there are some who slip away never to be seen or known again ...
sometimes it is all or nothing ..

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Generation Cosmically Galactic ❤️

Cosmic Generations right before your very eyes ... #Protection #intuition #Guidance #Wisdom #Dreamer #EnchantingBabble #Dreams #Family #UnconditionalLoVe #BeTheChangeYouWish2SeeinThisWorld #SoulTiesNever2Divide #Believe #Receive #Achieve #LoveIsAllWeNeed 

LightWorkers United ❤️

Love is the only way as Owl would hoot and display ❤️🙏❤️ #Owl #Love #Spirit #Animal #Earthly #Wisdom #RaiseYourVibrations #LightWorkersUnited #Dreamer #Believe #Receive #Achieve #Dare #To #Fly #Gypsy #Art #Lover #Doodles #Inspirations #Meditations #Elevations #BeTheChangeYouWish2SeeinThisWorld 

Angelic 111 Power House ❤️

111 seems to be the number I keep seeing today over and over in different kinda ways WOOHOO I hear the angels calling ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Number 111 is a powerful number of manifesting and manifestation, and carries the combined attributes and energies of number 1 and the karmic Master Number 11.  Number 1 resonates with assertiveness, independence and uniqueness, motivation, new beginnings and striving forward, insight, self-leadership and inspiration, positivity and achieving success.  Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul missionand life purpose. Number 111 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity.  

Angel Number 111 is a message from your angels to be very aware of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are manifesting quickly into your reality.  Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts and mind-sets are positive and optimistic in order to draw the energies of abundance and balance into your life.  Angel Number 111 signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into your reality.

When you recognize an Angel Number 111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur.  When a series of 111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want.  Choose your thoughts wisely, and do not put your focus towards your fears, as they may manifest.

Pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers.  Your positive affirmationsand optimistic attitude will help to manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations.  They will also assist you with serving your spiritual life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 111 also encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you.  Be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your ‘lightwork’.

Once Angel Number 111 appears and is recognized and acknowledged, the repetitive number sequences generally progresses onto other numbers and messages as your angels then have new and different messages to send you.

Number 111 also relates to the number 3 (1+1+1=3) and Angel Number 3.

Also see:  
Repeating 1’s  (1, 11, 111, 1111 etc)
Angel Number 1
Angel Number 11

For personal guidance, insight and assistance, book a Reading/Consultation with Joanne at:

Sacred Scribes

*  Join me on FACEBOOK at  Angel Numbers - Sacred Scribes

Loves Challenger is You ❤️

This was shared by a beautiful soul on Instagram & I must share it along with my quick note thoughts ❤️

I don't believe love is challenging at all, only the people who love are the most challenging when in love. 🙏❤️🙏

Enchanting Babble TRAVELS the WORLD ☺️

It's AMAZING & humbling realizing how far #ENCHANTINGBABBLE really travels & how many souls continue to find their way into Enchanting Babbles Wonderland Adventure .... Over 800,000 views #THANKYOU #ALL so very much. It's AWESOME to see this newbie #Egypt being added into this Cosmic Universal Mix of Angelic Fix .... #AWESOMESAUCE #UnitedStates #Germany #Portugal #France #unitedKingdom #Canada #India #Ukraine #EGYPT #Ireland #LoveTravelsTheWorld #GypsyBloggerExtraOrdinaire #Enchanting #Wonderland #Soul #Adventures please make sure to sign up to receive your very own #FREE Straight to your inbox #Newsletter THANK YOU ALL may your everydays be your BRIGHTEST DAYS #WeAreOne 

Unconditional Love Ties ❤️

.... our souls may be consumed by shadows, but that doesn't mean we have to behave as monsters.... Emm Cole ~ The Short Life of Sparrows #Happy #Family #Celebrations #BrightLights #Dreamers #Believe #Receive #Achieve #UnconditionalLoVe #EnchantingBabble #Smiley #Central #Enchanting #Awakenings #BeTheChangeYouWish2SeeinThisWorld 

Enchanting SnapChatter ❤️ @enchantressss

This makes me laugh looking like some type of enchanting Episode 😝😝😝🌟 I like talking and sharing now .. It's insane how much we can really evolve in being comfortable in our own skin over time. I also love talking to myself so go figure ... #Faery #Muse #Shenanigans #On #Snapchat #CurlyHair #Dreamer #Believe #Receive #achieve #S&M #Social #And #Media 😝😝😝 #EnchantingBabble #Enchantress #GypsyBloggerExtraOrdinaire 

@Enchantressss on SnapChat ☺️

Snap chatting Again ☺️☺️☺️

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Twinkle Twinkle Little star 🌟

Twinkle twinkle little star 🌟 Know Who You Are #EnchantingBabble #Dreamer #Gypsy #Doodles #StarryNight #Dream #Believe #Receive #Achieve #Art #Lover #Sketch #ImaginationCreations in order to #FLY you gotta #FirstLoveYourself #Namaste #EarthAngels #BrightLights 

Angel Guide # 539 ❤️


Number 539 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 5, number 3 and number 9.  Number 5 brings its energies of spontaneity, life-changes, making positive choices, personal freedom and individuality, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness.  Number 3 relates to courage, forgiveness, open-mindedness, manifestation and attainment, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, growth and expansion. Number 3 also resonates with the vibrations of the Ascended Masters.  It indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked.  The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. The Masters help you to find peace, clarity and love within.  Number 9 relates to leadership and leading by positive example, lightworkers and serving humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, spiritual enlightenment and awakening, Divine wisdom, idealism and problem-solving.  Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 539 is a message to get your attention as you are being urged to listen to your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels.  Give any fears or doubts about your life purpose to the angels for healing and transmutation and get on with serving your soul mission without further delay.

Angel Number 539 indicates that you are fully supported by the angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels along your life path and soul mission.  Know that as you put your efforts towards your spiritual goals and aspirations, you will manifest an abundant supplyto maintain and sustain you along the way.  Put your ‘lightworking’ abilities and talents to good use as the world needs you to shine your light in order to illuminate the way for others.

Angel Number 539 is a message from your angels that sweeping, positive changes are ahead of you and you are asked to let go of the ‘old’ with love and gratitude to make room for the ‘new’ to enter your life.  

Number 539 relates to number 8(5+3+9=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers



Angel Guidance #777


Number 777 is a highly spiritual number with the mystical number 7 appearing tripled, making its influences most powerful.  Number 7 resonates with the attributes of spiritual enlightenmentdevelopment and spiritual awakening, persistence of purpose, intuition and the inner voice of wisdom, mysticism, contemplation, knowledge and understanding, discernment and consideration, and good fortune.  

Angel Number 777 indicates that you have listened to Divine Guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your life, and the time has come to reap the rewards for your hard work and efforts.  You are being commended by the angels as your successes are inspiring, helping and teaching others by example.  

Angel Number 777 informs you that you are being congratulated and your efforts have been well noted by the angelic and spiritual realms.  Know that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your positive efforts and attitude to life.  777 is a very positive sign and means that you should expect miracles to occur in your life.

The 777 repeating number sequence (or Angel Number 777) is a message from your angels that you are on the right path and living and serving your Divine life purpose.  The Universe is happy with your progress and due to your positive efforts and hard work you have earned your rewards.

Angel Number 777 is an extremely positive sign and means that you should expect many more miracles to occur for you, both large and small.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers



Enchanting Artistic Creations ❤️

Art has a way of igniting our passion wave to express ourselves from our soul (mind / body / heart ~ h2o) #Gypsy #Art #Doodler #Artistic #Sketch #Creations #Express #Your #Soul #Alive #Dreamer #Is #Eye #ImaginationCreations #BeTheChangeYouWish2SeeinThisWorld #Ignite #Your #Passions #Believe #Receive #achieve #Cartoon #Animated #VisualWordArtist ❤️❤️

Hungry Faery

In all my hyperness today, I am really really hungry...

vegetable dumplings are calling me...

yum yum nom nom nom

HAPPINESS, pass that ish ❤️

HaPpy Day to you all I woke up Faery hyper that im even talking on snapchat 😝😝😝😝 eye actually talks .. I wish you all an awesome, amazing most productive LOVING filled day & may you pass along your sunshine wherever you go ... Im in a dancing kind of mood so Ahora tu sabes that means now you know ... dancing Faery feet all day ... Just move your body & keep it in constant motion & invigorate your vessel to FEEL ALIVE ... Follow me on snapchat @enchantressss and come dance, sing, stretch and snap chat  with me ... Let's be silly and happy together 😝😝😝☺️❤️❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️😜😜😘😘 #Namaste #Earth #Angel #Dynasties #CurlyHairMessicals #Hotmess #Love #Saves #The #World #BeTheChangeYouWish2SeeinThisWorld #BrightLights #Light #The #World #Dance #Fever #Hyper #Tuesdays 😘

Ay yay yay

I seem not to be able to shut up on snap chat ay yay yay 😝

Enchanting Karaoke Car Rides ❤️

Dopey Faery sticks out tongue ..

Seriously, eye am talking lots more ...

Am eye the only one excited

That's me singing .. I do that a lot lol 

I am really a serious person too ...

See?? Totally serious 😝

And eye have very important stuff to say ..

Follow me
On Snapchat ..




Hyper Faery Alert ❤️

Extreme over contemplation fries your brain if you can't stop contemplating, maybe it really means something to you. But what is it ?? #MirrorMirrorOnTheWall 

Don't talk about it, be about it ..


Snapchat @enchantressss YAY ☺️

So that all happened yesterday on Snapchat .. Today I actually won't shut up lol ☺️

Snap CHAT with ME @enchantressss ☺️

So I am on Snapchat and I am dancing and singing and omg talking ...

come snap with me ...


Dreamer Awake ❤️

Eye saw you there ..
glimpses of this nights encounter has left imprinted in my brain all the love we share in our encounters ..
Eye remembers ...

Monday, November 23, 2015

F.L.Y ~ First Love Yourself ❤️

The one thing about the way I look, is that I like it ... I finally Like me ..
all of me ..
every part of me ..
every curve ..
every line ..
every curl ...
this is the skin I was born into & I cherish  every precious cell that makes up this vessel I am in ..
thanking my momma always for her part in my majestic display ...
fUnk what they say ...
Love yourself ALWAYS & forever 
In order to fly 


When all is said and done and all skin and bones are removed from view, what's left OPEN is always up to you.. #Close #Your #Eyes #Open #Your #Mind #Cosmic #Consciousness #expandYourMind #3rdEyeSublime #Gypsy #Art #Lover #Doodles #Sketch #Skulls #bones #Dig #Deep #Deeper #Deepest #Dreamer #awaken 

Enchanting Giggles ❤️

You know your mind / thoughts / head / heart / words and soul align when you find yourself sitting by yourself and giggling to yourself at all the marvels of your own world ..
My enchanting Babble life makes me laugh out loud ..
giggle giggle 

Mi Amor

His heart beats rapidly in sync with mine as I close my eyes ...
remembering the time when we exploded into life..
never knowing a love quite like yours..
forever more..
Mi Amor

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Discernment ❤️

If you would allow for my love to slither and wither away, then you are not the man that my soul desires 
Truth inspires
discernment is not cruel when you can see thru mixed views 

Beauty is Everywhere ❤️

Feel your Sunset Alive ❤️

Feel Alive as you watch your sunset, knowing that everything you think, feel, say, & do is in alignment with you ~~ mind / body / heart and soul #Brooklyn #Gypsy #Sunsets #Dreamer #awake #Believe #Receive #Achieve #act #On #It #And #Do #Your #Do #Namaste ❤️


The weaning process involves purging 

Stop, Think, FEEL ❤️

When we stop to think about our lives, what is it that we FEEL? #Stop #Think #Feel #Reflect #Introspect #Ponder #Wonder #Dive #Dig #Deepest #Soul #Explorer #Free #Spirit #Enterprise #Love #On #The #Rise 

Whisk me away! ❤️

Idk call me a romantic ..
but eye desire the 
fairy tale ..
where my Prince comes and whisks me away ..
Into our brighter days ..
cause he would have it no other way ..
hey what can eye say ..
it's in my DNA 


I've been experiencing a little technical getting started difficulty with this drawing tablet thingy I got .. Like would someone please come over and set the entire ish up for me so that I may use it peacefully please ☺️

is that too much to ask lol 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Are you selective with your Love ? ☺️

It's whomever you can't imagine living your life without, that has you by the balls ...

Who are the few souls that you can not live without that make your divine chokehold list ??

which perception is this ??

Unconditional love and acceptance for those special souls whom have this enchanting affect ~ well Eye say this to us All ~ including myself ...  It's time we harness that energy supply of our sweet unconditional loving side & visualize with our minds eye ~ let it shine & mindfully / willfully / intentionally / purposefully // expand and stretch that love beyond every horizon / earthly realm of existence & feel the need to breed this same love & acceptance to ALL UNIVERSALLY ~ letting go of any and all judgements that may arise from even just the thought of thinking of loving and accepting unconditionally someone : all people : even the ones we do not feel to be deserving of our love : people who are known to have committed the most heinous of crimes ..  How can I (we) <<Eye>> unconditionally love & accept someone who could do such things / yada yada yada we all can come up with our own justified reasonings .. Explanations .. justifications ...

What I speak of / write about / blog about / live my life being the best example I could be .. It's not easy let me tell you .. cause there have been times I have wanted to snap / crackle & Pop cause the Jennie from the block wanted to have her turn on stage .. always excited to come out and play .. Haha Those were the days .. when maybe patience I knew nothing about .. Eye Guess I had some issues to work thru .. Eye am ever so glad / grateful / ecstatic /& super pleased with my own (self acknowledgements & Evolutionary growth that i (eye) really do see ) I see and feel every part of my soul Journeys process & that's what makes it most amazing ~ the fact that allow myself to FEEL it all .. no matter the weather ... Eye FEEL it all out .. cause that is what we energetic souls / beings are all about ... We are about our FEELINGS .. no matter what we decide to do / no matter our choices and directions we take .. no matter the instructions we follow or don't follow ... whatever we deliver ~ in Whatever shape or form ~ is delivered and powered by our FEELINGS / Our EMOTIONS .. now imagine what we energetically create and manifest into our universe when we choose to ignore how we feel / or we choose to numb ourselves from feeling at all / or we choose to instead keep ourselves super busy to avoid Many Many things ...

We mask so many things without our realizing .. we associate mask with personality .. What mask people decide to wear and show the world .. Well those learned / conditioned behaviors / are energized by the way we FEEL inside & anything that is fed / grows.. and it's growth is a wildfire .. unknown and untamed ~~~ Only conditioned to take root off of the birth of its seed of whatever feeling created it in the first place ... So yea it's only inevitable that the mask people choose to wear for the world ~ roots and grows and spreads to other areas of our world .. It becomes easy to not recognize when we choose to run and hide and deny our own feelings inside & choose a mask of our own to wear that allows for one to disregard their inner world and dialogue ... 

Energy is energized by energy ..
We are energy ...
We energize things ..
many things ..
everything ..

Enchanting Babble feels from the soul and speaks full of soul ..


Eye love artistic expression in every one of its forms ... 
We are artistic energy blessed to be made into our forms to carry out our inner spirits desires of physical manifestation. 

it's so simplistic it's confusing ..


Time To get busy & allow for my fire & passion to spread like a wildfire & burn ...

Thank you so much for dropping down this enchanting Babble Rabbit Hole Wonderland Adventure. There are so many ways for us souls to connect with one another & this right here inside of Enchanting Babble is one heartfelt Way igniting the wave of 


cosmic unification ..
becoming hit sensations ..
all in all ..
our divine 
birth right ...

LOVE is the Right way to be ..
simplistically ..
LOVE Is the creed we need to live, breathe, bleed, see & be to BE THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE IN THIS WORLD ..


Male or female ..
ditch these conventional bras that only cause so many health problems in our NOWS ~ in our todays .. Breast are meant to be free not confined .. Anyways that topic another time .. 

make / female / all energetic beings receiving this message .. 
Always wear your Metaphorical Bra ..


Blessings upon blessings to you ..
girl ..
boy ..
soul ..
being ..
you know it's true ..
eye Love  

Passion Reigns ❤️

It is true ..
when you're Passionate about someone or something .. 
It shows ..
because you Glow & radiate this energy of Passion within that is exuding on out ..
now that is what 
is all about ..
without a doubt ..
Passion Reigns 
so sweet 

Soulmates ❤️

What are soulmates for ~ 
do they not open our doors ..
to Amor 
forever more ..
Embrace their positive existence in your life & Cherish your time together 

Selfie Nationals

We have to leave people to decide and live for themselves because in the larger scope of things ~ it is all about self anyway ❤️

Become the True You Flower Therapy Oracles ❤️

Become the true you ❤️
Waratah ~ show the world who you really are, and what you were born to do. 

We are each born with an important purpose. To uncover it, we need only look at our natural interests. Hobbies are often a reflection of our innate drive to complete our life's mission. 

Oftentimes, there are ways to follow your passion while still paying bills and taking care of your responsibilities. The Angels urge you to step onto the path you were BORN to walk. It's time for you to accept your AUTHENTIC self; by doing so, you HEAL yourself, others and the planet. Remember that God makes no mistakes. You were born with the PERFECT set of emotions, sensitivities, sexuality, beliefs and PASSIONS. Please do NOT judge yourself for WHO you are. You're very important and a BEAUTIFUL SOUL. Let go of any procrastination ~ get to work ~ chop chop & BELIEVE in your power to ACHIEVE & RECEIVE. LightWork is your grounding force. It's safe to share your true feelings with others. ABUNDANT blessings are in store for you to RECEIVE. It's time for you to BELIEVE ❤️❤️❤️ #Soul #Flower #Oracles #Spiritual #Guidance #Love #Strength #Support #Wisdom #3rdEyeShines #HollyWoodsGypsy #Become #The #True #You #LightWorker #waratah #Dreamers #Unite 

LOVEs Winner❤️

Joy to the world 
is won ..

What is your Loves Signature Flavor? ❤️

The build up of these massive steps ((so small & yet so profound)) a sense of Heaven is found in this acknowledging moment of eternal experience. 

What if ground hog day was our everyday and past / present / future as we all think we know it to be, is actually not & like the hamsters in the wheel, we repeat each cyclic action ~ just some more than others .. 

what if :.
what if ..

the CHANGE in your own selfie evolution began with you ..

what if you grabbed a saw and sawed the hamster wheel in half / in threes / in tiny twos (tiny toons) 

What if every change you think you make is no change at all ~ What if it just is ~ what if it was just part of your blending ~ when you blend something together ~ you infuse and whip it in circles ~ faster and faster ~ harder and harder ~ whipping \ beating this concoction no matter it's resistance or feelings / they are chosen and forced to infuse .. 

Infusion, an Alchemist fiddle of a riddle, secret skittle ..

Taste every infused rainbow ..

color blend & drink your smoothie radicals super fine as you align with your WHOLE inner / outer scope records ...

love yourself better !!

it's NOW 
(or never) 
Do yourself Better & think yourself Clever & CHANGE your own weather ..
it is your aftermath .. 
you're dealing with in current reality ..
It's all about synchronicity ..
own every part of you ..
Light and dark 
every shadow is a reflection no matter your deflection ..
Infuse your do for it is overdue ..
Our Soul Rocks Smooth & Cool ..
Ancient Souls Summoned here on Earth ~ cosmic REBIRTH of LOVES RESERVOIR of something MORE ..
Everything we ever are is by far ~ who we are ~ INFUSE every GROOVE inside of YOU .. it's your soul rooted filament of your Nutriments to nurture you with loving healing, blessings, guidance and support. We are energetic beings ~ infinitely tied & ENERGETICALLY created ~ making us FOREVER CONNECTED ~ we are NEVER alone !! We are so much more than our physical eyes allow us to see ... Close your eyes with me & breathe in deep & as you exhale ~ imagine in the center of your forehead your Minds Eye / your Very own ALL seeing Eye / existing within you ... Turn your third eye blind & let it shine ... Here is this rhyme & feel every healing Angelic loving vibe being sent your way. Goosebumps and tinglings for days. Allow for your body and mind to unwind & feel this prayer so deep ignite LIGHT & BRIGHT & with all your might ~ command yourself to SEE ... imagine your intentional forceful INFUSION of FOCUSING on your minds eye & VISUALIZING prying it open with every infused part of your being ~ surrendering and willfully contributing in absolute harmony to gifting you with the ability to be steer clear & focus & intentionally align yourself to vibrate higher & AWAKEN even more of you within ALL of you in every part and way in every dimensional part of your being ...

It's amazing how much self control and freedom we really truly do have ...

For I am eternally grateful for the art of expression and I am most grateful for continuing in the developing of my own art filled world of expression in every single way for all of my days .. With purpose and intention to raise this earths vibrations to that of love and light no matter what's going on in the world around me .. Example in me is all you will see & meet ~ well as best as I can be anywayZ cause I still don't playZ ..
the streets raised me ~ haha JayZ .. We do share the same birthday ya know ..
Dec 4..

Well I guess my uncut enchant here is done & off I go to learn something new & exciting. As tired as I may be at this moment ~ I am just feeling so inspired and motivated in making all of my own dreams and visions a reality ... And wih joy and excitement I tootle loo into my now moment exciting adventure. 

Love is the only way to vibrate in this hIppie vibe way .. Earth Angel way .. Find your own way to display your own kinda loving .. Everyone has their own love signature .. What is yours? My love signature is all earth Angel & Goddess like with a wicked bad ass side .. Like my love will cut you if you tried some slick ish with me type of EXPRESSIONAL thing .. I love to call it art .. Love to me is beautiful art after all lol .. So please do share ~ what is your signature love statement ? How do you love ? 
What does love mean to you ? How do you show your love? How would you like to be shown love ? Are you a love giver or is your love on reserve ?? Hmm all these questions ... Which I do hope you truly ponder & riddle your own fiddles ...
Enchanting Babble is all about allowing for you to accept your drop down your own rabbit hole filled with so much soul & I wish for Enchanting Babble to fill you with so much Inspiration, Guidance, entertainment, healing, help, laughter, joy, love etc etc etc etc I seriously do .. All of you .. Even the ones who read here that don't really like me too much but just like to check what I am
Doing .. For some reason .. They don't like me but they find me interesting enough to observe me as much as they do from afar ~~ even to those of you who are one of them ~ I mean you know who you are ((this unfortunately is not a joke ~ I've learned that people do / do these type of things .. I honestly thought this kinda stuff only happened in movies lol)) but yea anyways .. Even to those lurkers .. Eye am so glad that you are here & whether you realize it or not ~ there's a reason for you being here too .. & The great part of it all is that you actually do read what I say & that to me means everything because that's the meaning of all of this ~~ to reach beautiful souls & I am a beautiful soul & I only attract beautiful souls & so even tho you're being a lurker & that may not be so cool ~~~ our weird little encounter ~ connection ~ is aligned perfectly ~ exactly as it ought to be ~ because if we understand one thing about our own all seeing eyes ~ we understand that many of the things we see and choose to believe & have faith in ~~~ stem from our visions and the POTENTIAL our vision has & how POSSIBLE our vision really can be to MANIFEST into our realities. & here is why I am happy that you too have dropped down ENCHANTING BABBLES rabbit hole of Soul Wonderland Adventure .... You are like me in many ways .. You too are a soul Adventurer. & you can't front ~ many of the things you read of mine makes you really think ..: you may not like it always ~ but girl you know it's true lol 
Anyhoo ... The point here that I am trying to make is this ... ENCHANTING BABBLE is about EVERY SOUL in this UNIVERSE .. & Eye WELCOME ALL Walks of life into this Enchanting Love Wonderland .. I personally (eye) do not have any problems / quarrels / beefs / issues / with anyone. It's funny as I was writing my last sentence the very few "issues" that May exist with 1-2 people ~ not that there is beef ~ just you know when things are no longer the same anymore for whatever reasons but underlying issues have yet to be earthly human resolved. Yea so even as
I was writing / stating I don't have beef / quarrels / beef with anyone and those 1-2 relationships came to mind ~ I quickly assessed the passing thought and happily proceeded forward with making my statement because it's

Life isn't meant to be perfect & we have many relationships in our lives / various kinds of relationships .. Various categories of relationships / labels .. yada yada yada .. Sometimes in life not every relationship can be so easily repaired / because remember it does take two to tango ... So these things happen ... It doesn't mean you sit around hating the person who is no longer in your life ~ especially if you love them.  Love doesn't do such horrid things as that. Love wishes everyone well. Anyways back to my point ... 

 Eye believe in every souls POTENTIAL for elevation ~ mind / body / heart / soul 

Now this is where we all differ in regards to our elevation levels and soul paths & life Journeys. But it doesn't mean we can't all get along & help one another rise and be the best versions of
Ourselves that we
Can be each and every single
Day in every single
Way ...
Eye wish that for everyone ..
YES ! That
Means you too. 
Eye Love you Boo 
Angels Rule 

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Enchantress’s Elixir: A Magical Brew for Sinus Relief and Spiritual Harmony

  Welcome back to Enchanting Babble , where magic meets thee mundane in the most delightful ways! Today, I’m thrilled to share another encha...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.